A number of researchers have hypothesized that the biomechanical forces associated with cultural cranial deformation can influence the formation of sutural ossicles. However, it is still difficult to make definitive conclusions about this relationship because the effects appear to be quite weak, and contradictory results have been obtained when specific sutures and deformation types are compared across studies. This research retests the hypothesis using a single archeological sample of lamdoidally deformed, occipitally deformed, and undeformed crania from Hawikuh, New Mexico (AD 1300-1680). Our results show no significant difference in either the prevalence or number of ossicles between deformed and undeformed crania, suggesting that the abnormal strains generated by cranial shape modification during infancy are not a factor in ossicle development for this population. One significant relationship was detected at the right lambdoid suture in crania with asymmetrical occipital deformation. Crania that were more deformed on the left side showed greater numbers of ossicles on the right side, but the effect was small. Furthermore, the relationship may well reflect a sampling error, due to the small number of crania with greater left side deformation and scorable right side lambdoid ossicles (n = 11). Although it is possible that forms of cranial deformation other than the posterior tabular types examined here may affect ossicle expression, our review of the literature suggests that the relationship in humans is complex and incompletely understood at this time.