An investigation
of a multidimensional proteomics workflow composed
of off-gel isoelectric focusing (IEF) and superficially porous liquid
chromatography (SPLC) with Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS)
was completed in order to assess various figures of merit associated
with intact protein measurements. Triplicate analysis performed at
both high and low FTMS resolutions on the E. coli proteome resulted in ∼900 redundant proteoforms from 3 to
95 kDa. Normalization of the chromatographic axis to identified proteoforms
enabled reproducible physicochemical property measurements between
proteome replicates with inter-replicate variances of ±3 ppm
mass error for proteoforms <30 kDa, ±1.1 Da for proteins >30
kDa, ±12 s retention time error, and ±0.21 pI units. The results for E. coli and
standard proteins revealed a correlation between pI precision and proteoform abundance with species detected in multiple
IEF fractions exhibiting pI precisions less than
the theoretical resolution of the off-gel system (±0.05 vs ±0.17,
respectively). Evaluation of differentially modified proteoforms of
standard proteins revealed that high sample loads (100s μgrams)
change the IEF pH gradient profile, leading to sample broadening that
facilitates resolution of charged post-translational modifications
(e.g., phosphorylation, sialylation). Despite the impact of sample
load on IEF resolution, results on standard proteins measured directly
or after being spiked into E. coli demonstrated
that the reproducibility of the workflow permitted recombination of
the MS signal across IEF fractions in a manner supporting the evaluation
of three label-free quantitation metrics for intact protein studies
(proteoforms, proteoform ratios, and protein) over 102–103 sample amount with low femtomole detection limits.