The past years have seen a flurry of activity in distributed computing and its related fields. Indeed, developments in computer communications and networks enabled the deployment of exciting new areas, including internet of things, vehicular networks, collaborative big data analysis and so on. The design and implementation of energy efficient future generation communication and networking technologies fostered the development of mobile, pervasive and large-scale computing technologies.The International Conference on Computing and Communications Networks (ICCCN 2022) aims to serve as a forum for exchanging the latest findings and experiences ranging from theoretical research to practical system development in all aspects of computing and networking. All submitted papers must have a substantial knowledge engineering component like AI/machine learning, etc. to be in scope of this special issue, otherwise the paper will get rejected straightaway. This special issue brings selected papers presented at the ICCCN 2022 conference. From around 45 submitted articles, only 12 papers were selected based on the reviews. Each paper was reviewed by at least two reviewers and went through at least two rounds of reviews. The brief contributions of these papers are discussed below.In the first paper of this special issue, the authors Minni Jain et al. ( 2023) have proposed the first approach for code-mixed Hindi-English social media text that comprises language identification, detection and correction of non-word (out of vocabulary) errors as well as real-word errors occurring simultaneously. A fuzzy graph between different words of the suggestive lists is generated using various semantic relations in Hindi WordNet. Word embeddings and fuzzy graph-based centrality measures are used to find the correct word. Several experiments are performed on different social media datasets taken from Instagram, Twitter, YouTube comments, Blogs and WhatsApp. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system corrects out-of-vocabulary words as well as real-word errors with a maximum recall of 0.90 and 0.67, respectively, for Dev_Hindi and 0.87 and 0.66, respectively, for Rom_Hindi. The authors Ritu Bibyan et al. (2023) in their study have proposed a prediction model based on LDA to study the content aspect and emotion