Operating during COVID-19: Is there a risk of viral transmission from surgical smoke during surgery? I n December 2019, an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), originated in Wuhan, China. On March 11, 2020, COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). As this pandemic sweeps the globe, concerns are being raised about the risk to health care workers treating patients who are known and unknown carriers of this highly contagious disease. Initial estimates suggest that up to 80% of all patients with COVID-19 have either mild or no symptoms at all, and carriers are likely transmitting SARS-CoV-2 to others. The conventional routes via respiratory droplets and direct contact are the main mechanisms believed to be involved in transmission. The virus has also been detected in the gastrointestinal tract, blood, saliva and urine, broadening the potential routes of transmission. 1 Reports by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention also mention the likelihood of aerosol transmission, which can occur during aerosol-generating medical procedures (AGMP). The surgical community is also faced with another potential route of virus transmission concern: surgical smoke. Dissection or cauterization of tissue using heat-generating devices produce a gaseous by-product known as surgical smoke. In general, the heat causes rupture of the target cell membrane, generating a plume of smoke made up of 95% water and 5% cellular debris. About 77% of particulate matter inside smoke plume has a mean diameter of 0.07 μm, and particulate matter < 5 μm is not filtered by surgical masks and may be inhaled by personnel in the operating room (OR). 2 Many reviews in the past 40 years have looked at the potential harmful effects of prolonged exposure to surgical smoke. Approximately 500 000 personnel, including surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists and technicians, are exposed to surgical smoke in the OR each year in the United States. To understand whether there are any harmful effects associated with the