Population Ecology from Dr Takeshi Noda. I greatly appreciate the efforts of and contributions made by Dr Noda in his role as editor of this journal over the last 4 years, during which time the way this journal was published changed considerably, and it became affiliated with the Ecological Society of Japan as a sister journal to Ecological Research and Plant Species Biology. This affiliation greatly facilitates the integration of ecological studies, and requires us to publish more attractive and interesting papers. Population Ecology has published many highly regarded articles from outstanding researchers, which have contributed to advancing the discipline of ecology. In addition to this scholarly excellence and leadership, Population Ecology must also encourage publication by emerging researchers to widen its ecological base. As Editor-in-Chief, I will encourage emerging researchers to publish original studies and featured articles in Population Ecology. I believe that this policy will promote increased interest in and the quality of manuscripts submitted to and published by it. It is my vision that emerging researchers will publish in Population Ecology to disseminate their message internationally. As Editor-in-Chief, I look forward to submissions of new ideas, research articles and proposals for special features from both emerging and established researchers.