Sorghum head bug, Calocor& angustatus Leth., is an important pest of grain sorghum. We screened nearly 15000 germplasm accessions for resistance to this pest between 1980 and 1990 under natural and headcage conditions. Data were recorded on bug numbers, grain damage (1 = highly resistant the 5 = highly susceptible), and seed germination. Under natural conditions, 34 genotypes suffered moderate levels of grain damage (damage rating (DR) 1.7 to 2.9) compared with a DR of 4.0 to 4.6 in the susceptible controls CSH 1, CSH 5 and CSH 9. suffered moderate levels of grain damage when infested with 5 and 10 pairs of bugs/panicle, and recorded more than 80% seed germination compared with a DR of 3.9 to 5.0, and seed germination of 15-18% in the susceptible controls CSH 1, CSH 5 and CSH 9. There is a considerable diversity in the genotypes resistant to head bugs, and attempts should be made to transfer the resistance into agronomically acceptable cultivars.