SUMMARY In renovascular hypertension adaptive mechanisms in the poststenotk kidney are a probable cause of the 20 to 25% false-negative findings during rapid sequence urography or [ 123 I]oiodohippurate renography. We blocked the renin-angiotensin system hi an effort to increase the yield of these diagnostic procedures. Chronically instrumented, salt-depleted conscious dogs were used hi which a light (n = 5), moderate (n = 4), or severe (n = 2) renal artery stenosis was induced. Before stenosis 10 of the dogs showed no left-right differences with either diagnostic procedure, and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition did not change this result. Two to 3 weeks after induction of a renal artery stenosis, all dogs showed signs of renovascular hypertension. However, only 50% of the renograms and 22% of the urograms showed differences between the two kidneys indicative of the presence of stenosis. After ACE inhibition, all previously negative test results became positive (abnormal) and previously existing left-right differences became more evident. Ekctromagnetically measured renal blood Bow on the stenotic side did not change during ACE inhibition (146 ± 13 vs 145 ± 21 ml/mm), whereas contralateral blood flow showed a distinct increase (207 ± 18 vs 282 ± 20 ml/min, p < 0.01).