We study the problem of counterion condensation for ellipsoidal macroions, a geometry well-suited for modeling liquid crystals, anisotropic vesicles, and polymers. We find that the ions within an ellipsoid's condensation layer are relatively unrestricted in their motions, and consequently work to establish a quasiequipotential at its surface. This simplifies the application of Alexander et al.'s procedure, enabling us to obtain accurate analytic estimates for the critical valence of a general ellipsoid in the weak screening limit. Interestingly, we find that the critical valence of an eccentric ellipsoid is always larger than that of the sphere of equal volume, implying that counterion condensation provides a force resisting the deformation of spherical macroions. This contrasts with a recent study of flexible spherical macroions, which observed a preference for deformation into flattened shapes when considering only linear effects. Our work suggests that the balance of these competing forces might alter the nature of the transition.T he behavior of weakly charged macroions in biological and soft materials is well described by the DLVO theory, which assumes very weak variations of the electrostatic potential, less than k B T, over scales comparable to the screening length. 1 In this limit, the counterions (or salt ions) within one screening length of a macroion are not bound to its surface, but are free to move. This approximation breaks down near highly charged macroions, where the counterions are bound to the surface and form a condensation layer. 2 The distribution and behavior of the counterions within this layer are not wellcharacterized by mean field analysis. Instead, they are highly localized, and can be considered part of a macroion-condensed counterion composite, which moves about as a single entity. 2−7 Considering the averaged field of this composite, one can construct a generalized DLVO theory based on the effective, renormalized charge. 8−10The degree of charge renormalization depends upon the shape of a macroion. As explained by Zimm and Le Bret, in the zero salt concentration limit, no condensation occurs for an isolated spherical macroion, because the attractive energy gained through condensation onto such a macroion is always less than the entropy associated with ion liberation. 11 In contrast, a finite fraction and complete counterion condensation occurs for cylindrical and planar macroions, respectively, in the same limit. 12,13 Counterion condensation is expected for all geometries under finite salt concentration conditions. 4,14−19 The most drastic, qualitative change occurs for the spherical geometry, for which a finite fraction of counterions now condense. This was first explained by Alexander et al., who obtained the condensation fraction by simply requiring the surface potential to equate to the free ion entropy. 2 These behaviors are of interest in that various experimental measures relating to macromolecule solutions, including the osmotic pressure, structure factor, and compressibilit...