The aim of the research was to evaluate the influence of agronomic biofortification of BRSMG Caravera rice on grain processing by analyzing processing yield (PY) and grain yield (GY), in addition to defining the grain classification for each treatment. The analyzed plants received treatments with NPK + foliar and/or soil fertilization from different fertilizer sources. Some treatments had higher PY values compared to the control plants. For the GY parameter, only treatments with soil fertilization using ZnSO4·7H2O and two foliar fertilizations using a Bayer Antracol-Zn® product showed higher values. There may be an influence of biofortification on rice processing depending on the treatment. The grains of the BRSMG Caravera variety did not achieve a good classification, as only the grains with the treatment of soil fertilization with ZnSO4·7H2O were classified as type 4, while the grains in other treatments were classified out of type.