The weak noncovalent interactions and flexibility of ligands play ak ey role in enantioselective metal-catalyzed reactions.I nt ransition metal complexes and their catalytic applications,the experimental assessment and the design of key interactions is as difficult as the prediction of the enantioselectivities,e specially for flexible,p rivileged ligands such as chiral phosphoramidites.T herefore,t he interligand interactions in cis-Pd II L 2 Cl 2 phosphoramidite complexes were investigated by NMR spectroscopyand computations.W ewere able to induce as trong conformational preference by breaking the symmetry of the C 2 -symmetric side chain of one of the ligands, and shift the equilibrium between hetero-and homocomplexes towards heterocomplexes because of interligand interactions in the cis-complexes.T he modulation of aryl substituents was exploited, along with the solvent effect. The combined CH-p and p-p interactions reveal design patterns for binding and folding of chiral ligands and catalysts.