Metal-ceramic is considered as the standard material for implant-supported prostheses because of its adequate strength and acceptable esthetics. 1 More recently, zirconia has also been used for implant-supported prostheses, 2 with similar biologic complications and enhanced esthetics as metalceramic prostheses. 3,4 However, the high fracture rates of veneering porcelain have also been observed in zirconiaceramic prostheses. 5,6 Monolithic zirconia without veneering porcelain has been reported to be a more fractureresistant zirconia prosthesis 7,8 and is expected to reduce the incidence of chipping in the posterior region. 9 Adaptation of peri-implant bone to occlusal loading can lead to marginal bone changes (DMBL). 10,11 The influence of