Purpose: Spongioplasty (mobilization and midline approximation of the two branches of the bifi d dysplastic distal corpus spongiosum) can form a covering layer for the neourethra to prevent urethrocutaneous fi stula in hypospadias repair surgery. However, it remains unclear whether spongioplasty affects neourethral function. The objective of this study was to compare neourethral function after hypospadias repair with and without spongioplasty. Materials and Methods: Fourteen congenital hypospadiac New Zealand male rabbits were randomly allocated into two groups, seven animals underwent Duplay hypospadias repair and spongioplasty (experimental group), while seven underwent Duplay surgery alone (control group). Functional differences between groups were assessed by comparing neourethral compliance and fl ow rate. Two months after surgery, in vivo neourethral compliance was assessed by measuring intraluminal pressure with a digital pressure meter of an isolated neourethral segment, following progressive distension with 1, 2, and 3mL of air. Penises were harvested for urofl owmetry test using a simple device. Results: Postoperatively, fi stula developed in one and zero rabbits in the control and experimental groups, respectively. Mean pressures tended to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group (82.14 vs. 69.57, 188.43 vs. 143.26, and 244.71 vs. 186.29mmHg for 1, 2, and 3mL of air, respectively), but the difference was not statistically signifi cant. Mean fl ow rates also did not signifi cantly differ between the experimental and control groups (2.93mL/s vs. 3.31mL/s). Conclusion: In this congenital rabbit model, no obvious functional differences were found between reconstructed urethras after hypospadias repair with and without spongioplasty.