Persuasive technologies in mobile applications have become more prevalent with the development of smartphones. The user being prompted to take on certain actions and behaviours as reminders that doctors, family members or friends would give is not often associated with mobile devices. The ability for this effort to succeed in some measure by applications depends on the effectiveness of the design elements on the interface of persuasive applications. What are a reliable set of design principles that make persuasive applications, persuasive? After realizing the gap in previous research on guidelines for persuasive interfaces, Alexandra Nemery and Eric Brangier propose a set of criteria that list the essential design elements for a persuasive interface: credibility, privacy, personalization, attractiveness, solicitation, priming, commitment, and ascendency, and divide them into two sets of criteria: static and dynamic. As a follow up research to their study, this research paper analyzes 20 persuasive applications on the guidelines of Nemery and Brangier by employing open coding. The results show that not only were Nemery and Brangier's guidelines are absent in most applications, but they also did not account for the following codes in their criteria: Personalization/ProfileDashboard, Solicitation/RemindersNotifications, Solicitation/ProgressPersuasion, Commitment/PreliminaryAssessment and Community. An autoethnographic study also finds that design elements are highly nuanced and subjective and require guidelines of their own. iii Acknowledgement This project would not have been possible without the support of many people. Many thanks to my supervisor, Victoria McArthur, who read my numerous revisions and helped put together the final version of this research. Many thanks to my friends and family who provided continuous moral support during a time when it was difficult to stay positive. Last but not least, I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to my faculty, especially Robert Biddle, who ignited my interest in persuasive technologies.