The Questionnaire forms the basis for the twenty-nine national reports which were prepared as part of the research project 'The Role and Future of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance', funded by a five-year European Research Council grant. The Questionnaire contains three main parts, which address the following issues: (1) constitutional culture and constitutional amendments regarding EU membership; (2) constitutional/fundamental rights, the rule of law and constitutional adjudication regarding EU measures such as the Data Retention Directive, European Arrest Warrant and ESM Treaty; and (3) novel challenges that are increasingly highlighted in the wider context of global governance (i.e. beyond the classic international treaties that advance human rights, peace and environmental protection) in relation to democratic participation, judicial review and the rule of law. The different parts of the Questionnaire each start with a brief background outlining the specific constitutional issues or challenges encountered in some Member States, and subsequently invite the national constitutional law experts to explore these in relation to their respective countries. Whilst the mainstream English language European constitutional discourse has typically focused on autonomous EU constitutional law, the Questionnaire seeks to make