For finding the best route in a network, distributed routing offers robustness but has poor flexibility while central control of software‐defined networking is just the opposite. The Fibbing architecture can run distributed routing protocols on software‐defined networking and has both robustness and flexibility. The 2 main steps of Fibbing's process are (1) compute a route that is available for the network according to the network topology and the flow request and (2) add fake nodes and fake links to augment the network topology in conformity with the distributed routing protocol and the route computed in the first step. Both of the 2 steps affect the performance of the network, but Fibbing does not consider them coordinately, and the cost of choosing the routes can be reduced further. In this paper, a coordinated algorithm for Fibbing is proposed to determine a lowest‐cost route. In the process to calculate an available route, our algorithm accommodates not only the network topology and the flow request but also the fake nodes and the fake links. The experiments on random topologies and classic topologies show that our algorithm can reduce the numbers of the fake nodes and the costs of the chosen routes, with the improved flow request acceptance ratios achieved.