A B S T R A C TTime-lapse refraction can provide complementary seismic solutions for monitoring subtle subsurface changes that are challenging for conventional P-wave reflection methods. The utilization of refraction time lapse has lagged behind in the past partly due to the lack of robust techniques that allow extracting easy-to-interpret reservoir information. However, with the recent emergence of the full-waveform inversion technique as a more standard tool, we find it to be a promising platform for incorporating head waves and diving waves into the time-lapse framework. Here we investigate the sensitivity of 2D acoustic, time-domain, full-waveform inversion for monitoring a shallow, weak velocity change (−30 m/s, or −1.6%). The sensitivity tests are designed to address questions related to the feasibility and accuracy of full-waveform inversion results for monitoring the field case of an underground gas blowout that occurred in the North Sea. The blowout caused the gas to migrate both vertically and horizontally into several shallow sand layers. Some of the shallow gas anomalies were not clearly detected by conventional 4D reflection methods (i.e., time shifts and amplitude difference) due to low 4D signal-to-noise ratio and weak velocity change. On the other hand, full-waveform inversion sensitivity analysis showed that it is possible to detect the weak velocity change with the non-optimal seismic input. Detectability was qualitative with variable degrees of accuracy depending on different inversion parameters. We inverted, the real 2D seismic data from the North Sea with a greater emphasis on refracted and diving waves' energy (i.e., most of the reflected energy was removed for the shallow zone of interest after removing traces with offset less than 300 m). The full-waveform inversion results provided more superior detectability compared with the conventional 4D stacked reflection difference method for a weak shallow gas anomaly (320 m deep).