ABSTRACT. The chemica l (Na+, K +, M g2 +, Ca 2 +, CH 3 S0 3 -(MSA ), C l-, N0 3 , S0 4 2 -) a nd isotopic (8 18 0 ) composition of snow and firn samples fro m CampbeJl G lacier, north ern Victori a L a nd, Ant arcti ca, was studi ed to evaluate the acc umul a ti on rate of snow a nd to investigate the chemical contribution from some emi ssion so urces (marine biogenic activity, sea a nd crust). During the 1994-95 Ita li a n Anta rctic Expediti on, snow a nd firn were collected from snow pits and fro m cores obtained from drilling at three sites (A: 74°4I 'S, 164°30' E; B: 74°15' S, 164°04' E; C: 73°45' S, 163°20' E ), located at 50 m (on the fl oating glacier to ng ue), 800 m a nd 1580 m a.s.!. , respecti vely.The mean concentration of sea salt decreased with increasing dista nce fro m the coast a nd with altitude. Generally, the Na + /K + and Na + /Ca 2+ ratios we re much lower than the bulk sea-water ratios at sites B a nd C. The M SA showed mea n concentrations (0.27 a nd 0.17 !leg I-I at sites B a nd C, respectively) consistent with data obtained from other Anta rctic sites. T he mean concen trations ofNO l ranged from 2. 1 peg I -I (site A) to 0.97 !leg I I (site C ). T he mean nss (non-sea-salt ) S04 IS0 42-ratio was -0.055, 0.54 a nd 0.42 at sites A, B a nd C, respectively. M oreover, the relationship between Ca 2 +, nssCa 2 +, SO /-and nssS0 4 2 -was gui te different at sites B and C. In order to explain the relationships between the elements a nd co mpounds studied a t these sites, chemical fractionation a nd /or reacti ons inside air masses a nd different origin of th e air masses at the two sites should be co nsidered.A comparison of the isoto pic a nd chemical pro files was carri ed out in order to provide a more reliable ch ro nological scale. Th e chemical and 818 0 seasonal vari ations recorded along the fi rn cores fro m the upp er site of Campbell G lacier seem to be fa irly hom ogeneous. This made it possibl e to identi fy ma ny annual cycles (14-18 years for the 7 m firn core). Using the measured density values, the accumul ation rate was also calcul ated for lower and upp'er Campbell G lacier. It did not appear to differ between th e two sites (150-170 kg m -2 a I a t site B a nd 140-180 kg m 2 a I a t site C) a nd is in keeping with rates calculated previously for the same a rea.