for their valuable advice and guidance with my project throughout the years. I would like to specially thank Dr. Jonathan Doorn for his rational and logical suggestions and for training me to do assays needed in the project. I am deeply grateful for the help of Susanne Flor, our lab manager. She rendered lots of help in project assistance, ordering experiment reagents and keeping the lab organized. I would also like to thank the following lab mates and colleagues for their suggestions, support and project assistance, Dr. William D Klaren, Gopi S. Gadupudi, Miao Li. I am grateful for your companionship, help and encouragement during the years I live in Iowa City. Finally, I would like to thank my husband Dr. Abdul Aladheem and my kids Moheamn, Moeimeal and Elaf for their unconditional love, support, and confidence in me. I would not be where I am today without their trust, encouragement and love. Thank you all.