Periodic Broadcasting schemes are costeffective methods of implementation of Near Video on Demand systems. While the schemes enjoy the advantage of reducing the demand on server bandwidth, they suffer from the problem of insensitivity to the popularity of videos. However, the popularity of a video does not remain constant in the real world; it varies with time, social events, and so on. From a service provider's viewpoint, given a set of popular videos and limited server bandwidth, it would be desirable to adjust the bandwidth allocated to each of the videos dynamically and seamlessly according to the level of its hotness.Slotted Generalized Fibonacci Broadcasting (SGFB). We then propose a seamless channel transition enhancement on top of the SGFB scheme so that the service provider is capable of adjusting the channel allocation policy to make the most benefit out of the available bandwidth. The correctness of SGFB together with its performance analysis will be presented. Furthermore, we shall provide mathematical analysis to demonstrate its channel transition behavior.