As people grow accustomed to effortless outdoor navigation, there is a rising demand for similar possibilities indoors as well. Unfortunately, indoor localization, being one of the requirements for navigation, continues to be a problem without a clear solution. In this article, we are proposing a method for an indoor positioning system using a single image. This is made possible using a small preprocessed database of images with known control points as the only preprocessing needed. Using feature detection with the SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm, we can look through the database and find an image that is the most similar to the image taken by a user. Such a pair of images is then used to find coordinates of a database of images using the PnP problem. Furthermore, projection and essential matrices are determined to calculate the user image localization—determining the position of the user in the indoor environment. The benefits of this approach lie in the single image being the only input from a user and the lack of requirements for new onsite infrastructure. Thus, our approach enables a more straightforward realization for building management.