Ocean currents are of crucial importance for the transport of physical, chemical, and biological variables across the world oceans. They are the main factors responsible for the horizontal redistribution of energy, salt, and heat, and also play an important role in the climate system (Covey & Barron, 1988). In particular, the sea surface is a key transitional layer where most biological and biogeochemical activities concentrate and tightly interact with vigorous physical features (e.g., Hernández-Carrasco et al., 2014) ultimately affecting marine biodiversity patterns (e.g., Villarino et al., 2018) and atmosphere-ocean coupled processes (e.g., Bronselaer & Zanna, 2020). Hence, a precise knowledge of the circulation in the upper oceanic boundary layer and of its variability is key to many issues of broad scientific and practical importance, ranging from ecosystem and fisheries management (e.g.,