We here review the principles and applications of solid‐state NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei, with a special emphasis on structural studies of inorganic solids. Most NMR‐observable nuclei have spin I > 1/2, and possess a quadrupole moment. The resulting quadrupolar interaction severely broadens the resonances, but also encapsulates valuable information about the symmetry of the electronic surroundings of the observed nucleus. The effect of the quadrupolar interaction, as well as that of the chemical shift and dipolar interaction, on solid‐state NMR spectra is examined in this article. To regain good resolution, specifically designed NMR techniques exist to remove the quadrupolar broadening, i.e. overtone and MQMAS spectroscopy, the principles of which are outlined here. In addition, the possibility of distance measurements via the dipolar interaction using the REDOR technique is discussed. The combined information derived from distance measurements, quadrupolar and chemical shift parameters can be helpful for determination of the crystal structure, or for detection of impurity phases, as illustrated by surveying a number of case studies covering spin I = 1, 3/2, 5/2 and 7/2.