Abstract. The η mesic nucleus is considered to be one of the interesting exotic many body systems and has been studied since 1980's theoretically and experimentally. Recently, the formation of the η mesic nucleus in the fusion reactions of the light nuclei such as d + d → (η + α) → X has been proposed and the experiments have been performed by WASA-at-COSY. We develop a theoretical model to evaluate the formation rate of the η mesic nucleus in the fusion reactions and show the calculated results. We find that the η bound states could be observed in the reactions in cases with the strong attractive and small absorptive η-nucleus interactions. We compare our results with existing data of the d + d → η + α and the d + d → 3 He + N + π reactions. We find that the analyses by our theoretical model with the existing data can provide new information on the η-nucleus interaction.PACS. 14.40.Aq pi, K, and eta mesons -36.10.Gv Mesonic, hyperonic and antiprotonic atoms and molecules -25.60.Pj Fusion reactions