The two-particle rapidity correlation among the pions produced in p-p collisions at recent LHC energies √s= 2.76, 5.02, 7 & 13 TeV is studied in this paper by using the analysis of events generated by UrQMD-3.4, AMPT-2.26 & PYTHIA-8.3. Our investigation for bin-to-bin fluctuation using the variance of Forward-Backward asymmetry parameter σC
2 in the forward-backward pseudo-rapidity windows is done through the simulated data. In addition to that, energy-wise variation of correlation strength (β), the probability distribution of roughness parameter (γk
2) and number density fluctuation parameter (dik) are also incorporated in this investigation. Also, we have tried to study the same for \textbf{the data of different impact parameters generated using the UrQMD model, and the comparison is made with its minimum biased events data-set. The analysis signifies, that the signature of dynamical fluctuation is not so prominent but increases a bit with the increase in energy. An increase in the correlation strength with the increase in energy signifies the contribution of long-range correlation is more in comparison to the short-range one. However, there is no such accountable effect of various impact parameters seen in the present study.