Fe-ni-r-s (r=cu, co) systems to optimize the pyrometallurgy of ni, cu, co. Bi-in-se-te, Pb-snse-te to elaborate the thermoelectric materials. Liquid gap systems for the synthesis of refractory borides, silicides, intermetallics. Borate systems to grow the monocrystals. metallic systems with the 3-phase reaction type changing for the titanium and zirconium alloys. metallic systems for the lead-free solders.anna zelenaya cand. sci. (phys.-math.), senior scientist at the institute of Physical materials science (siberian Branch of the russian Academy of sciences). research interests: the elaboration of computer models of three-five phase diagram with different topology for microstructures design of heterogeneous material. An analysis of crystallization stages and identification the concentration fields with individual set of micro-constituents of phases assemblage. simulation of phase diagram for ceramic, salt and metal systems.aleksandr zyryanov scientist at the institute of Physical materials science (siberian Branch of the russian Academy of sciences). research interests: mathematical simulation, computer design, geometrical thermodynamics, multicomponent systems, phase diagrams, microstructure computation.edward nasrulin scientist at the institute of Physical materials science (siberian Branch of the russian Academy of sciences). research interests: Phase diagrams, microstructure, computer design of materials, software and models.