A 9.4–9.8 GHz electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of Mn+2-doped Na2O–CaO–MgO–SiO2 glasses has revealed a nonresonant microwave magneto-absorption near zero magnetic field in addition to normal paramagnetic absorption due to Mn+2 ions, electron spin S=5/2. The low-field response has an opposite phase relative to paramagnetic signal and is independent of the mutual orientation of the magnetic field of the microwave H1 and static magnetic field H. In contrast, the paramagnetic signal is different for perpendicular H1⊥H and parallel H1∥H polarization of the microwave field, which is attributed to enhancement of forbidden magnetic dipolar transitions and suppression of the allowed transitions for parallel polarization. The low-field response is described in terms of microwave dielectric losses that derive from the magneto-induced charge migration in the first coordination sphere of Mn+2. As opposed to the spin-polarized tunneling that was described in ferromagnets between different valence forms of Mn, the observed effect is due to spin-dependent tunneling that occurs in the vicinity of Mn+2 in a diluted paramagnetic system.