The production of η and η mesons in photon-and hadron-induced reactions on free and quasifree nucleons and on nuclei is reviewed. The extensive database on γN → ηN , for both proton and neutron targets, is described in detail and its implications for the search for N resonances much heavier than the dominant S 11 (1535) discussed. Though less is currently known about the production of the η or of ηπ pairs, these also offer tantalizing prospects in the search for the missing isobars. The more limited data available on pion-induced production are still necessary ingredients in the partial wave analysis discussed.The production of the η-meson in pp and pn collisions shows once again the strong influence of the S 11 (1535) isobar, which is in contrast to the relatively weak behaviour seen near threshold for η production. This difference is reflected in the important final state interaction effects of the η in nuclei that may even lead to this meson being "bound" in some systems. The evidence for this is reviewed for both γA and pA collisions. The inclusive photoproduction of η, η , and ηπ pairs from nuclei provides further information regarding the production mechanism and the interaction of the η and η with nuclei and the ηπ pairs may even allow access to low mass ηA systems that are forbidden in direct single-meson photoproduction.