Abstract. The γ-brasses in the binary Fe-Zn system were re-examined as part of the discovery of a new series of Fe-Pd-Zn γ-brass compounds in the Zn-rich region of the Fe-Pd-Zn phase space. Fe 2+x Zn 11-x , x = 1.60(4)-1.99(9), and Fe x Pd 2.2-y Zn 10.8-x+y , x = 0.08(5)-2.46(8); y = 0.00(1)-1.44(4), all crystallize in the cubic crystal system, space group I43m, with corresponding ranges of the lattice parameter of 8.977(1)-8.979(1) Å and 9.1028(4)-9.0347(2) Å as x increases, as determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. In the binary Fe-Zn system, iron atoms preferentially occupy the outer tetrahedron (OT) sites and partially mix with zinc atoms at the inner tetrahedron (IT) sites in the 26-atom γ-brass clusters. At the refined upper limit of Fe content, Fe atoms also replace Zn atoms at the octahedron (OH) sites.