If galaxy clusters contain intracluster dust, the spectra of galaxies lying behind clusters should show attenuation by dust absorption. We compare the optical (3500Y7200 8) spectra of 60,267 luminous, early-type galaxies selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to search for the signatures of intracluster dust in z $ 0:05 clusters. We select massive, quiescent (i.e., non-star-forming) galaxies using an EW( H ) 2 8 cut and consider galaxies in three bins of velocity dispersion ranging from 150 to 300 km s À1 . The uniformity of early-type galaxy spectra in the optical allows us to construct inverse-variance-weighted composite spectra with high signal-to-noise ratios (ranging from 10 2 to 10 3 ). We compare the composite spectra of galaxies that lie behind and adjacent to galaxy clusters and find no convincing evidence of dust attenuation on scales of $0.15Y2 Mpc; we derive a generic limit of E(B À V ) < 3 ; 10 À3 mag on scales of $1Y2 Mpc at the 99% confidence level, using conservative jackknife error bars, corresponding to a dust mass P10 8 M . On scales smaller than 1 Mpc, this limit is slightly weaker, E(B À V ) < 8 ; 10 À3 mag.