Bamboo has been the integral part of socio and cultural part of human life from time immemorial due to its multifarious and versatile utility and it also plays a important role in women empowerment. Bamboo has a variety of uses ranging from its conventional usage in building, pulp and paper manufacture, to cottage industries and household use. Due to the uncertainty of sporadic flowering, long flowering cycle, unavailability and short viability of seeds, bamboos are usually propagated by vegetative propagation. In this paper, we presented short overview of various macropropagation techniques for bamboos. Macro propagation of bamboos is straightforward, inexpensive and uses local resources, depending on the aims and the facilities available. It is very helpful for the sustained production of field plantable bamboo saplings. In the area of bamboo research, it has also opened up a lot of new doors. It is very adaptable since bamboos can be mass-propagated using offsets, rhizomes, layering, culm or branch cuttings.