Estimation of the lower limit of the canopy.air temperature ditTerential, (T,·T.)u., is required for calculation of an empirically-based crop water stress, index. This research determined the complexity of model needed for accurate estimation of (T, -T')LL for several field grown cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pralensis L.) and for creeping bentgrass (Agros/is stolollij'era L. var. pa/ustris (Huds.) FalW.). Regression models using vapor pressure deficit of the air tyPD), net radiation load (R n ), and wind speed (WS) were developed for predicting (T, -T a ) ..... The best one to three-variable regression models for predicting (T c -T.l LL used variable groups of VPD (f' = 0.47); VPD and R n (R 2 =0.66); and VPD, R n , and WS (R2 =0.82). Models developed for predicting (T c -Tn)LI. on individual Kentucky bluegrass cultivars, across Kentucky bluegrass, and across hoth species were tested on a validation data set. Models using only VPD accounted for < 2% of variation in actual (Tc -T.)LL of nonwater-stressed turf.