The aim of this study is to assessment the effects of the seasonal water inputs on the seasonal dynamic of trace metals in the superficial sediments from the lagoon area II of Ébrié system. This study was implemented during one year (from June 2020 to May 2021) and all the physical and chemical parameters of these sediments, used in this study, were all obtained according to AFNOR standards. In hot season, the trace metal contents of these sediments, dominated by coarse sands in all seasons, were on the whole favored by the marine inputs; which would induce their very slightly basicity and reduce characters, low salinity and conductivity. However, the majority of their trace metals content decreases in rainy season with the meteorite inputs; would induce their slightly acidic and oxidizing characters and, the increase in their salinity and conductivity. These were again for the slightly basic and reduce characters of the open waters at the interface water-sediment, as their relative important salinity, conductivity and organic matter content in this season. The same effects were observed in flood season but a less marked by the important presence of Comoé river in this ecosystem.