“…ARC Kp neurons are known to coexpress neurokininB and dynorphin, and these two peptides in Syrian hamster (Bartzen‐Sprauer, Klosen, Ciofi, Mikkelsen, & Simonneaux, ) but only neurokininB in sheep (Weems et al., ) also exhibit seasonal changes driven by steroid‐dependant and steroid‐independent mechanisms. Further studies confirmed the occurrence of seasonal/photoperiodic variation in ARC Kp expression in a number of seasonal breeders, notably the Djungarian hamster (Greives et al., ; Rasri‐Klosen, Simonneaux, & Klosen, ), European hamster (Sáenz de Miera et al., ), Libyan jird (Boufermes et al., ), jerboa (Talbi, Klosen, Laran‐Chich, El Ouezzani, & Simonneaux, ), red deer (Barrell et al., ), and dromedary camel (Ainani et al., ) (Figure ). Surprisingly however, in some species like the Djungarian and European hamsters, ARC Kp expression is lower in sexually active LD‐adapted animals, and manipulating circulating sex steroids demonstrated that in these species the stimulatory effect of LD on Kp expression is overridden by a robust negative sex steroid feedback (Greives et al., ; Rasri‐Klosen et al., ; Sáenz de Miera et al., ).…”