The appearance of winter deep mixed layers in the Arctic Ocean under a warming climate is investigated with the HiGEM coupled global climate model. In response to a four times increase of atmospheric CO2 levels with respect to present day conditions, the Arctic Basin becomes seasonally ice-free. Its surface becomes consequently warmer and, on average, slightly fresher. Locally, changes in surface salinity can be far larger (up to 4 psu) than the basin-scale average, and of a different sign. The Canadian Basin undergoes a strong freshening, while the Eurasian Basin undergoes strong salinification. These changes are driven by the spin up of the surface circulation, likely resulting from the increased transfer of momentum to the ocean as sea ice cover is reduced. Changes in the surface salinity field also result in a change in stratification, which is strongly enhanced in the Canadian Basin and reduced in the Eurasian Basin. Reduction, or even suppression, of the stratification in the Eurasian Basin produces an environment that is favourable for, and promotes the appearance of, deep convection near the sea ice edge, leading to a significant deepening of winter mixed layers in this region (down to 1000 m). As the Arctic Ocean is transitioning toward a summer ice-free regime, new dynamical ocean processes will appear in the region, with potentially important consequences for the Arctic Ocean itself and for climate, both locally and on larger scales. 2015), indicating a decrease in the intensity of deep convection, and a decline in Arctic sea ice 46 cover (Stroeve et al., 2012), along with a northward migration of the sea ice edge into the Arctic 47 Ocean and the Barents Sea. Given that the location of deep convection sites is inherently tied to 48 the location of the sea ice edge, one might expect that new regions of deep convection could appear 49 at higher latitudes (Rainville et al., 2011). We expect that changes in deep convection location and 50 MLD will alter water mass properties and ultimately the deep branch of the AMOC (Rahmstorf, 51 2002; Heuzé, 2017) and ocean heat transport (Exarchou et al., 2015). 52 53 Today, the deepest layers of the Canadian and Eurasian Basins are mostly filled with dense waters 54 formed by brine rejection during sea ice formation on the continental shelves, or transformed in the 55 Barents Sea, or advected from the Greenland Sea through Fram Strait. These dense water masses 56 are eventually advected to the Nordic Seas through Fram Strait (Jones et al., 1995; Lique et al., 57 2010). As the sea ice edge migrates northward, the expectation is that the relative contribution 58 of deep waters formed locally in the Arctic Basin by open ocean convection will increase relative 59 to those waters formed on continental shelves or in the Barents Sea. In the deep Greenland Sea, 60 observations suggest that the amount of dense water originating from the deep Arctic has recently 61 increased compared to the dense water formed locally in the Greenland Sea during deep convection 62 events (Langeh...