We demonstrated that bacterioplankton utilization of N-containing substrates, in relation to overall substrate utilization, can be assessed by calculating a nitrogen use (NUSE) index from Biolog-ECO microplate readings. The NUSE index was positively correlated with bacterial-specific aminopeptidase activity in coastal plankton samples, and it decreased after ammonia or amino acid addition to seawater cultures; this indicated that the index was sensitive to changes in N concentrations in natural samples. The index provides valuable information on dissolved organic nitrogen processing by natural bacterial assemblages, and thereby substantially expands the utility of the Biolog-ECO microplates.KEY WORDS: Biolog · Bacterioplankton · Substrate utilization · Dissolved organic nitrogen · DON · Nutrients · Amino acids
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherAquat Microb Ecol 42: 1-5, 2006 et al. 1999, Rosenstock & Simon 2003. This approach has shown that the majority of DON in aquatic environments is consumed by heterotrophic bacteria (Bronk 2002).Considering the different elemental composition of substrates in the Biolog-ECO microplates, and the large dependence of bacterial growth on nutrient availability, we compared the utilization of N-containing substrates in the plates to overall utilization of substrates by calculating a NUSE index. If applicable to natural aquatic samples, we hypothesized that the NUSE index should show a positive correlation with in situ aminopeptidase activity, a commonly used indicator of peptide hydrolysis and N limitation, and that the index would be sensitive to enrichment by N sources (e.g. ammonia or amino acids). . Sampling in Antarctic waters was carried out in areas of the Bransfield Strait, Gerlache Strait, and Bellingshausen Sea during the TEMPANO cruise in the austral summer of 2002. Water was collected from 2 to 6 depths (above 150 m) from 6 stations. On each sampling occasion, Biolog-ECO microplates were prepared and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) was measured. In addition to Biolog plate preparation and TIN concentration measurements, aminopeptidase activity (AMA) was determined at the Blanes Bay site.
WaterA nutrient limitation experiment (NUT) was performed in July 2003 with water from Blanes Bay. Unfiltered seawater samples (250 ml) were enriched with ammonia (NH 4 Cl: 4.2 µM N final concentration), phosphate (Na 2 HPO 4 : 0.6 µM P final concentration), or glucose (20 µM C final concentration). A control bottle received no nutrients. The samples were incubated for 24 h in the dark at in situ temperature, and then Biolog-ECO microplates were prepared from each treatment.Seawater culture experiments (ORG) were carried out on 5 sampling occasions in Blanes Bay. We inoculated 1.9 l of sterile filtered seawater (0.2 µm pore size, Sterivex, Millipore) with 100 ml of natural bacterioplankton, 0.8 µm pore size filtered seawater (polycarbonate filter, Nuclepore). Cultures were enriched with amino acids (24 µM C f...