The aim of this study was to investigate the population fluctuations of Bactrocera dorsalis and Ceratitis cosyra in mango, citrus, and mixed orchards in Bujumbura city. Data was collected from six sites from December 2018 and December 2019 using trapping methodology. Two attractants (methyeugenol and terpinyl acetate), insecticide (dichlorvos DDVP 70%) and tephri traps were employed to attract and kill flies. The results indicate that B. dorsalis was more abundant in all sites (97.91%) than C. cosyra (2.09%). Fluctuation peaks for B. dorsalis were observed in April, October and December. A significant difference was noted in the monthly catches of both species (p<0.05). For C. cosyra, significant differences were observed in catches across all sites (p<0.05), whereas for B. dorsalis no such differences were found (p>0.05). The population fluctuations of B. dorsalis were observed during the maturation of mango and citrus fruits. B. dorsalis dominated in all sites.