Metabolic rates have a profound infl uence on plant formfunction relationships and affect many important communityand ecosystem-level phenomena (e.g., Brown et al., 2004 ). At the individual level, previous studies showed that metabolic rates ( B ), such as respiration and growth rates, scale with increasing biomass ( M ) according to a power law taking the general form:where β is a normalization (allometric) constant and α is the scaling exponent. Based on the assumption that natural selection acts to maximize surface area and minimize internal transport distance, Enquist (1997 , 1999 ) proposed a theory (hereafter referred to as the WBE theory), which predicts that plant metabolic rates will scale one-to-one (isometrically) with leaf biomass ( M L ) and as the 3/4-power of total plant biomass (i.e., B ∝ M L 1.0 ∝ M T 0.75 ). In general, the 3/4 metabolic scaling relationship appears to hold true across a broad range of species, but only for plants above a certain size range (e.g., Enquist and Niklas, 2002 ;Niklas and Enquist, 2002 ;Niklas, 2004 ). In the case of small plants, the WBE theory predicts isometric relationships among metabolic rates, leaf mass, and total plant mass (i.e., B ∝ M L 1.0 ∝ M T 1.0 ) ( Niklas, 2004 ;Enquist et al., 2007a ). Indeed, several empirical studies demonstrated that the scaling exponent for plant metabolism is close to unity for saplings and decreases as plants grow in size Reich et al., 2006 ;Price et al., 2007 ;Cheng et al., 2010 ;Mori et al., 2010 ;Peng et al., 2010 ). It has been hypothesized that this ontogenetic shift in scaling exponents is caused by physiological constraints on the allocation of plant biomass between photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic organs during growth ( Niklas and Enquist, 2001 ;Niklas, 2004 ;Cheng et al., 2010 ; Niklas, 2011 , 2012 ).Nevertheless, the exact nature of the relationship between respiration rates and biomass has not been suffi ciently investigated for a suffi ciently broad spectrum of species, particularly gymnosperms. This gap in our knowledge is particularly troubling because previous studies indicate that scaling relationships are sensitive to species traits (especially for specifi c leaf The authors thank Y. Zhan for collecting seeds, two anonymous reviewers, and T. Li for helpful and constructive comments. This study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170374, 31370589, and 31170596) • Premise of the study: Empirical studies and theory indicate that respiration rates ( R ) of small plants scale nearly isometrically with both leaf biomass ( M L ) and total plant biomass ( M T ). These predictions are based on angiosperm species and apply only across a small range of body mass. Whether these relationships hold true for different plants, such as conifers, remains unclear .• Methods: We tested these predictions using the whole-plant maintenance respiration rates and the biomass allocation patterns of the seedlings of two conifer tree species and two angiosperm tree species. Model Ty...