Capsule Iceland is a stop-over site for a population of Purple Sandpipers that winter in Britain. Here, they accumulate fuel loads for onward migration along with birds that have wintered in Iceland. Aims To establish whether Purple Sandpipers from Britain stop-over in Iceland during spring migration and, if so, to describe their population structure, changes in mass and moult. Methods Purple Sandpipers were cannon-netted on the coast of the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland during May 2003 and 2005. Birds were aged, sexed (some by DNA) and standard biometric measurements made. Active body moult was scored. Results Bill and wing lengths showed that the Purple Sandpipers we caught were similar to one of the populations that winter in Britain rather than Icelandic breeding birds. There were more males than females throughout the migration period (63% males for first-year-birds and 67% for adult birds). Accounting for a bias due to a higher percentage of males in a less usual habitat (muddy/sandy bays), the values for rocky sites were 52% males for first-year birds and 62% for adults. The percentage of firstyear birds was 19% in 2003 and 32% in 2005, though the latter figure was biased by catches in muddy/sandy bays where there was a higher percentage of young birds. The percentage of first-year birds was 25% on just the rocky shores in 2005. Many birds were in latter stages of body moult, and males were slightly in advance of females. Increasing mass showed that they were preparing for onward migration. The average increase of 0.58 g per day was similar to the rate measured in Orkney at an earlier point on the migration route. However, a high turnover of birds could be the reason for these low values. By late May, and close to the assumed departure date, the Purple Sandpipers of the different age/sex classes had fuel indices of 24-29% (33-42% of the lean mass). This was lower than that for the high Arctic sandpipers (Knots and Sanderlings) leaving southwest Iceland for Greenland and Canada. Conclusions Our study confirmed that Purple Sandpipers do stop-over in Iceland, and the possible lower rate of fuel accumulation and smaller amount stored, compared with Knots and Sanderlings, suggests a different migration pattern.