Present study was carried out to assess the distribution of clinical variables responsible for hospitalization among inpatients and outpatients of Pulmonary TB. Non experimental quantitative research approach and retrospective cross sectional design was used and 200 patients were selected by purposive sampling technique (100 from inpatient department and 100 from outpatients department). Tools used for data collection included performa for socio-demographic variables and clinical variables assessment questionnaire. Statistical measure used was Chi square. The results showed that majority of the hospitalized patients were non literate, from Hindu religion, married, having family income between Rs.3000-8000, had their own house, vegetarian and having previous history of hospitalization. Clinical Variables for hospitalization were cough hygiene, compliance to treatment, lung involvement and use of any other drug therapy than DOTS. The study concluded that by identifying the clinical variables, hospitalization and further consequences can be reduced. Nurses can help to reduce hospitalization by educating the patients about variables of hospitalization.