The present study was conducted on vesicular, prostate and bulbourethral glands of buffalo bullcollected from the abattoir immediately after sacrifice during winter and summer season. The cryostat sections of 10-12 µm thickness were obtained at -23°C and were incubated in different substrates for demonstration of phosphatases, oxidoreductases and estrases. During winter season, the moderate to strong activity of AKPase in acinar cells and ductular epithelium was observed in vesicular, weak in prostate, but the activity was not demonstrated in bulbourethral gland, however the blood vessels showed moderate AKPase reaction in all the glands. A moderate activity of SDH, LDH and G-6-PD was observed in glandular and ductular epithelium of vesicular gland and weak to moderate activity in prostate and bulbourethral glands. The glandular and the ductular epithelium of all the glands studied were strongly positive for NADH and NADPH, whereas a weak activity for NSE was observed. There was decrease in the activity of all the enzymes during summer season which may be related to decrease physiological activity in this season.