The investigation of airborne fungal spore concentrations was carried out in Szczecin, Poland between 2004 and 2006. The objective of the studies was to determine a seasonal variation in concentrations of selected fungal spore types due to meteorological parameters. The presence of spores of ten taxa: Cladosporium, Ganoderma, Alternaria, Epicoccum, Didymella, Torula, Dreschlera-type, Polythrincium, Stemphylium and Pithomyces was recorded in Szczecin using a volumetric method (Hirst type). Fungal spores were present in the air in large numbers in summer. The highest concentrations were noted in June, July and August. The peak period was recorded in August for most of the studied spore types: Ganoderma, Alternaria, Epicoccum, Dreschlera-type, Polythrincium and Stemphylium. Cladosporium and Didymella spores reached their highest concentrations in July while concentrations of Torula were highest in May and Pithomyces in September. Multiple regression analysis was performed for three fungal seasons: 2004, 2005, and 2006. Spore concentrations were positively correlated with minimum temperature for seven spore types in 2004, for five spore types in 2005, and for eight spore types in 2006 (significance level of a50.05). Some spore types are also significantly correlation among their concentrations, pressure, relative humidity and rain. Minimum temperature appeared to be the most influential factor for most spore types.