Three cross-shelf transects were conducted off northern Oregon in February, 2003, coincident with flooding of Coast Range rivers, to assess the riverine impact on coastal ocean biogeochemistry. During downwelling conditions, low salinity river-influenced water was located in a narrow band near the coast and contained elevated macronutrient, iron, and organic carbon concentrations. Wind relaxation allowed the river-influenced water to spread out at the surface across the shelf. Nutrients supplied by the rivers could result in winter carbon fixation equating to ,20% of the summer upwelling carbon fixation if conditions are suitable for phytoplankton growth, which is likely on the basis of recent studies. This implies that wintertime production may be significant and requires further study. Iron supplied by the rivers is sufficient to support the entire summer upwelling production and because downwelling conditions prevail during the winter and minimize cross-shelf transport, this iron may be retained on the shelf to support the summer phytoplankton blooms. Of the major eastern boundary current systems, the northern California Current (including Oregon) and Portugal Current (i.e., Iberian Peninsula) have the highest riverine discharge rates normalized to coastline length. In contrast, riverine inputs to the central California, Canary (i.e., northwest Africa), Benguela and Peruvian Current systems averaged only 3-35% of that in Oregon. This patchy riverine input (and narrower shelves) might explain why iron limitation is more widespread off California and Peru than Oregon. These results show that small coastal rivers, characteristic of the U.S. Pacific Northwest, can significantly alter coastal biogeochemical cycles and influence ecosystem structure.The coastal ocean plays a key role in global biogeochemical cycles and marine food webs. In recent years, advances have been made in linking atmospheric and physical dynamics to ecosystem structure and function during the productive summer season in eastern boundary current systems. Unfortunately, that progress has not been matched by increased study or enhanced understanding of wintertime conditions. In fact, relatively little is known about wintertime biogeochemical or food web conditions in these types of systems.Results from modeling and field observations show that the wintertime physical dynamics of eastern boundary current systems are quite different than during the summer upwelling season. Off Oregon for example, mean wintertime coastal wind direction is to the north and strong north/northeastward propagating storms frequently occur (Halliwell and Allen 1987;Strub et al. 1987). Northward winds cause onshore Ekman transport of surface waters, leading to development of a downwelling front at the 100-150-m isobath (Allen and Newberger 1996; Austin and Barth 2002). In the region of the front, the water column can be vertically homogenous (Barth et al. unpubl.). Currents inshore of the front are predominately to the north, and cross-shelf circulation is believ...