To evaluate the actual status of water quality and conclude on the mains source of pollution in the Nyong estuary River, seasonal and spatial variation of water quality parameters was interpreted by multivariate statistical techniques (Principal Component analysis). Nine (09) environmental variables were monitored at four surface stations in the estuary for two seasonal cycles. The fieldwork was conducted from 2018 to 2019 during high tide and low tide for each survey. In situ physical parameters were measured for a total of 64 samples (32 samples for each tide). The laboratory works consisted of some physicochemical analyses and processing of these data by descriptive and multidimensional statistical analyses. Temperature, suspended particle matter, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate change significantly in the estuary with season (p < 0.05), while salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and ammonium do not vary significantly with season (p > 0.05). Principal Component analysis found temperature, salinity, pH, ammonium to be the most important parameters contributing to the fluctuations of surface water quality in the Nyong estuary during the dry seasons whereas suspended particle matter, nitrate, and phosphate are the most important parameters contributing to the fluctuation of surface water quality in the Nyong estuary during the rainy seasons. Based on spatial variation, the Principal Component analysis found that, sus-