Taylor's law (TL) is an empirical rule that describes an approximate relationship between the variance and mean of population density: log 10 (variance) ≈ log 10 (a) + b × log 10 (mean). Population synchrony is another prevailing feature observed in empirical populations. This study investigated the effects of environmental synchrony and density-dependent dispersal on the temporal (b T ) and spatial (b S ) slopes of TL, using an empirical dataset of gray-sided vole populations and simulation analyses based on the second-order autoregressive (AR) model. Eighty-five empirical populations satisfied the temporal and spatial TLs with b T = 1.943 (±SE 0.143) and b S = 1.579 (±SE 0.136). The pairwise synchrony of population was 0.377 ± 0.199 (mean ± SD). Most simulated populations that obeyed the AR model satisfied the form of the temporal and spatial TLs without being affected by the environmental synchrony and density-dependent dispersal; however, those simulated slopes were too steep. The incorporation of environmental synchrony resulted in reduced simulated slopes, but those slopes, too, were still unrealistically steep. By incorporating density-dependent dispersal, simulated slopes decreased and fell within a realistic range. However, the simulated populations without environmental synchrony did not exhibit an adequate degree of density synchrony. In simulations that included both environmental synchrony and density-dependent dispersal, 92.7% of the simulated datasets provided realistic values for b T , b S and population synchrony. Because the two slopes were more sensitive to the variation of density-dependent dispersal than that of environmental synchrony, density-dependent dispersal may be the key to the determination of b T and b S .