Acne vulgaris is a multifactorial disorder of the pilosebaceous unit. The clinical picture can range from mild comedones to fulminant, scarring cases. Approximately 83-100% of all adolescents experience acne vulgaris at some point of their lives. Although acne often tends to resolve following the adolescent period, many men and women continue to suffer from either active acne or postinflammatory scars into their twenties and thirties. Most patients with acne vulgaris are in the complicated adolescence period and thus carry a distinctive psychosocial burden. They possess a disease stigma on their skin for the external world to criticize every day. For all these reasons, acne is a disease which should be treated promptly and efficiently in all age groups. This chapter will provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of pathophysiology of acne vulgaris, new molecular mechanisms on the evolving acne lesions, epidemiology of the disease, and latest treatment options. The molecular biology of acne lesions, novel treatment options including cosmetic approaches, their role in acne pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and mechanism of actions of the drugs, safety, and efficacy issues, and various treatment regimens will be discussed along with novel discoveries and areas in which further research is needed.