Let G be a simple simply connected algebraic group scheme defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0. Let T be a maximal split torus in G, B ⊃ T be a Borel subgroup of G and U its unipotent radical. Let F : G → G be the Frobenius morphism. For r 1 define the Frobenius kernel, G r , to be the kernel of F iterated with itself r times. Define U r (respectively B r ) to be the kernel of the Frobenius map restricted to U (respectively B). Let X(T ) be the integral weight lattice and X(T ) + be the dominant integral weights.The computations of particular importance are H 2 (U 1 , k), H 2 (B r , λ) for λ ∈ X(T ), H 2 (G r , H 0 (λ)) for λ ∈ X(T ) + , and H 2 (B, λ) for λ ∈ X(T ). The above cohomology groups for the case when the field has characteristic 2 are computed in this paper. These computations complete the picture started by Bendel, Nakano, and Pillen (2007) [5] for p 3. Furthermore, the computations show H 2 (G r , H 0 (λ)) has a good filtration.