The results presented extend previous investigations on the genetics of nitrogen fixation in Azotobacter chroococcum and indicate that nif and$x-like DNA is located in at least five different regions of the genome. Region I contains functional copies of n i p , Vand M , as well as nzfH, D and K, all of which complemented mutants of Klebsiella pneumoniae. In addition, n$Eand/or nzfN-like and nzfLi-like DNA is located in this region. The organization of the nifcluster in region I closely resembles that of K. pneumoniae, though spread over 22 kb as compared with 14 kb. Region I1 contains a functional nzjB gene, which complemented a K. pneumoniae nzfB mutant, and seems to be adjacent to a n$A-like gene. Region I11 harbours nzJH*, encoding a second nitrogenase Fe-protein. Region IV contains a reiteration of nzJE-and/or nzfl-like sequences, and DNA homologous to Rhizobium meliloti$xABC is present in region V. The apparent complexity of nifDNA in A. chroococcum is probably related to the two systems for NZfixation present in this organism.