We put forward an efficient three-wave mixing (TWM) scheme in an asymmetric semiconductor quantum well (SQW) based on intersubband transitions. Using the coupled Schrödinger -Maxwell approach, we derive the corresponding explicit analytical expressions for the input probe and generated TWM signal fields. Such a nonlinear optical process may be used for efficiently generating coherent short-wavelength radiation in the SQW solid-state system, which is much more practical than that in atomic system because of its flexible design and the controllable interference strength.The research for quantum coherence in highly resonant media is an interesting topic in the field of laser physics and quantum optics. By use of quantum coherence, the problem about developing resonant nonlinear optics with high efficiency has attracted a lot of interest recently. The usual system used for this purpose is a four-level double-Λ system, or a four-level cascade-type system based on the effects of atomic coherence and interference. Representative papers are cited in Refs. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. For example, Zibrov et al. investigated an efficient nonlinear process in a four-level medium coherently prepared by resonant, counterpropagating fields and showed that such a process can be used for generation of pairs of Stokes and anti-Stokes fields [1]. Very recently, Wu et al. performed a time-dependent analysis of four-wave mixing (FWM) in a double-Λ system in an ultraslow propagation regime and obtained the analytical expressions of pulsed probe laser, FWM-generated pulse, phase shifts and absorption coefficients, group velocities, and FWM efficiency [2]. At the same time, they also analyzed and discussed a lifetimebroadened cascade-type four-wave-mixing scheme in the ultraslow propagation regime and showed that the generated FWM field could acquire the same group velocity and pulse shape as those of an ultraslow pump field [3]. On the other hand, some interesting experiments using these system have been successfully carried out, which may open up new opportunities for technological applications of these predicted phenomena [14][15][16][17]. Kang and co-workers reported an experimental study of resonant six-wave mixing in coherently prepared four-level double-Λ Rb atomic media [15]. Alternatively, they also reported an experimental observation of resonantly enhanced slow-light four-wave mixing in such cold Rb atomic media [16]. For three-level system, efficient second-harmonic generation in absorptive media was studied by Almogy and Yariv [20].In recent years, similar phenomena involving quantum coherence and interference in SQW systems have also attracted great attention due to the potentially important applications in optoelectronics and solid-state quantum information science. For example, it has been shown that they can lead to gain without inversion [26][27][28], coherently controlled photoncurrent generation [32], electron intersub-