A review about second harmonic generation using edge emitting diode lasers and nonlinear crystals to obtain laser radiation in the blue-green spectral range is presented. Therefore, pump laser radiation with high brightness and narrow bandwidth is necessary. Thus, this review gives an overview of the advances made with distributed feedback and Bragg reflector lasers, tapered lasers and amplifiers as well as external cavity diode lasers and master oscillator power amplifier schemes to achieve high brilliance emission. Since periodically poled materials have enabled high second harmonic conversion efficiencies with low and moderate pump powers, the review is focused on frequency doubling using those materials. The most commonly used materials, their properties and limitations are discussed briefly. Single pass and resonant SHG setups with waveguide and bulk nonlinear crystals are discussed and an emphasis on building compact and integrated devices is made. PPLN waveguide crystal pumped by a DFB laser (above). Integrated SHG device on a CCP heatsink (below).