The main point of this article is to demonstrate that the existence of the computermedium within L2 1 learning and acquisition is justified by its potential of differentiation. In order to make the optimum use of this potential, it is necessary to design syllabi based on L2 research and theories of language learning acquisition. Taking as a starting point the learner's interlanguage development, I am introducing a model of L2 learning and acquisition, a model based on input as well as on output. The strong point in having this model is that you can use it for computer-assisted language learning, and in this way you can contribute to the implementation of differentiated syllabi that take into account the psycholinguistic processes that characterize interlanguage development.
Relationen imellem IT og sproglig laering"Media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers our groceries causes changes in our nutrition" (Clark 1983:91). "As pointed out by Garrett (1991), "the use of the computer does not constitute a method". Rather, it is a "medium in which a variety of methods, approaches, and pedagogical philosophies may be implemented" (ibid: 75). The effectiveness of CALL 2 cannot reside in the medium itself but only in how it is put to use" (Warschauer 1996:6